Dreierlei-Ei zur Spargelzeit - Maître Philippe & Filles

Triple egg at asparagus time

Noemie Causse

It's asparagus time again! And how does asparagus taste best? With mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce, preferably homemade, of course!
In three short videos, we will show you how quick and easy this can be done, and of course we have everything you need for this in a practical way.

There is also a clever tip for processing the large amount of protein that is produced when making these sauces - the perfect all-round inspiration for a spring-like asparagus menu with a sweet finale.

Have fun watching, cooking and of course feasting ... Bon appétit!

I. Mayonnaise maison - perfect for a nice asparagus appetizer:

Ingredients for the mayonnaise:

Optional lemon zest and capers for garnish

And this is how it's done:
Separate the yolk from the white and set the white aside. Add some mustard, a small dash of white vinegar and a pinch of salt to the yolk. Mix with a hand mixer, immersion blender or whisk. Continue to stir, then slowly but steadily pour in the olive oil until the mayonnaise has reached the desired consistency. Garnish with a little lemon zest if you like. Add to the briefly blanched asparagus, garnish with capers and enjoy!

II. Sauce Hollandaise – the classic with asparagus

Ingredients for Hollandaise sauce:

Optional: Orange Zest, Blood Orange Juice, Tarragon

That's how it works:
Melt the butter. Separate the yolk from the white and set the white aside. Beat the egg yolk and gradually pour in the melted butter. Continue stirring until the sauce has a nice creamy liquid consistency. Season to taste with salt and some orange zest and a dash of Vinho Verde if you like.
For the "Sauce Béarnaise" variety, simply add some chopped tarragon. Tastes great with veal!
For a "Sauce Maltaise" add some freshly squeezed (blood) orange juice.

Serve the briefly blanched asparagus with air-dried ham and the sauce. Bon Appetit!

III. Île flottante on a berry mirror - white finish


Île flottante (French for floating island) is a classic French dessert made with lots of protein and a little sugar, formed into dumplings and cooked, then served on a gravy mirror. The île flottante is traditionally served on vanilla sauce, but we wanted something fruity and so we made a fruit coulis made from strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, which we seasoned with ratafia. If you don't want to cook it yourself or don't have fresh berries on hand: we also have a delicious ready-made fruit coulis on offer! Serve with a Craquant au caramel salé, our favorite biscuits and enjoy!

Ingredients for the île flottante:

That's how it works:
Sweeten the egg whites with sugar and beat until stiff. Boil water. Use two spoons to form dumplings from the beaten egg whites and place in the boiling water. Cook about 5 minutes on each side. Drain on kitchen paper.
Meanwhile, cook the berries and season with ratafia. Put the sauce on a plate, place a still-warm dumpling on top, garnish with a craquant au caramel salé and enjoy!

By the way, you should use the same wine for cooking that you drink. And since Vinho Verde from Portugal goes particularly well with asparagus, we drank the wonderful Camaleão from João Cabral Almeida made from 70% Loureiro and 30% Alvarinho while cooking and also added it to our Hollandaise sauce.

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Here's the video in its entirety of 3:27 minutes including a few funny outtakes... Have fun!

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