COVID19 update

Dear customers, bien cher clients, we hope you are all well!
Covid-19 has changed our lives so quickly and drastically that few of us could have imagined. There is always new information and changes that affect our everyday life.
However, we at Maître Philippe & Filles are still there for you - both with the online shop and with our Berlin shop.
The warehouses are full and so far there are no delivery bottlenecks on the part of our suppliers.
In addition to the recommendations of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) , we also apply the resolutions of the Federal Government of 16.03. around:
- We regulate the admission, a maximum of 2 customers are allowed to be in the store at the same time.
- Please only one person per shopping group (families & couples) - otherwise the other customers will have to wait longer outside.
- When waiting, please keep a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other.
- Plan a little more time for your purchases. We work as fast as possible and of course we follow all recommended hygiene measures.
- We have hand disinfectants ready for you in the entrance area. Coughing and sneezing etiquette is a matter of course.
- From now on we only accept card payments.
You are welcome to email your shopping list to
If we receive your order by 10 p.m. the day before, your purchase will be ready for you to collect from our store the following day. Be inspired by our online shop.
Since Friday we have also been offering you home delivery via Messenger if you cannot or are not allowed to leave your apartment.
This is how it works:
- You ordered by e-mail from us by 10 p.m. on the evening before delivery:
- We deliver to you the following day (Monday to Friday – no Saturday and Sunday delivery!) between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
- The delivery is made by Mäcki, a messenger driver who has been supplying the Berlin gastronomy absolutely reliably for us for over 10 years and who has a lot less to do right now. ☹️ The money for the delivery goes directly to Mäcki, we don't keep any of it.
- Payment is made EXCLUSIVELY by card, Mäcki has an e-device with him, which he disinfects after every customer contact. He also has disposable latex gloves with him and keeps his distance from you.
- The delivery costs depend on the distance and scope of the delivery. The delivery price includes 3 parts of "packaging", for example 3 boxes of wine or 2 boxes of wine and a shopping bag or 3 bags... All other "parts of packaging" are charged at 1.50 euros gross. The prices for delivery can be found on the attached Berlin map . The prices include VAT.
Because this is asked again and again and leads to uncertainties: Both the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) say that there are no documented cases of transmission of Covid-19 through contaminated food or objects in consignments are. Here are the relevant links from BfR and BAuA .
Of course you can still order via our online shop, the delivery will then be made via our logistics partner UPS. Incidentally, since Friday, March 20th, UPS has been doing without. also on the customer's signature upon delivery. The official UPS statement on Covid-19 can be found here .
If you have any questions, we are of course available by e-mail or telephone.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones and stay healthy. Together, we will do it.
Warm regards from Emser Strasse,
The Maître Philippe & Filles team